Service Learning Application Name * Skidmore Address * Home Street Address * City, State, and Zip Code * Home Phone Number * Work Phone Number Cell Phone Number Email Address * Birthday * Race/Ethnic Identification * I am currently a college (select one). * FreshmanSophomoreJuniorSenior What is your College Major? Are you available on Saturdays from 12-3pm? * YesNo Are you currently working? If so, where? Relevant previous employment and/or experience. Please describe involvement you have had with young people through other organizations, programs, community activities, and/or family? How did you hear about Saratoga Mentoring? Why would you like to do your service learning hours with Saratoga Mentoring? Please indicate if you speak a language other than English. Do you have any preferences as to the age or interests of the child with whom you will be matched? (We serve ages 5 – 15.) If so, what are they? Please keep in mind that we take preferences into consideration but cannot guarantee that preferences will be met. Please feel free to include a resume or any additional information of interest in the field below. Affirmation: To the best of my knowledge, the above information is true and correct. I grant my permission to verify my employment and to contact the above references. (Online applicants can provide consent/signature at the time of the Volunteer Interview.